
Monday, February 22, 2010

we're so high tech lah! got facebook group xD

ANW, peiwei huishan and i have came up with

1st: pauline keyecheng jiaxin sungjin
2nd: peiwei cheryl jiayi vania
3rd: huishan xinyi shuyuin zhiyun

American Beauties-
1st: pauline keyecheng xinyi cheryl
2nd: peiwei huishan sungjin
3rd: vania jiaxin
4th: shuyuin jiayi zhiyun

Art in the Park-
1st: pauline cheryl shuyuin jiaxin
2nd: huishan keyecheng sungjin
3rd: peiwei xinyi vania jiayi zhiyun

Solas Ane-
1st: keyecheng xinyi jiayi jiaxin
2nd: huishan pauline cheryl vania
3rd: peiwei shuyuin sungjin zhiyun

Flight of the Piasa-
1st: pauline xinyi vania jiayi
2nd: peiwei huishan shuyuin jiaxin
3rd: keyecheng cheryl sungjin zhiyun

Opening Night on Broadway-
1st: huishan keyecheng xinyi cheryl
2nd: vania shuyuin jiayi sungjin
3rd: peiwei pauline jiaxin zhiyun

March Blue Sky-
1st: huishan cheryl jiaxin shuyuin
2nd: pauline xinyi vania sungjin
3rd: peiwei keyecheng jiayi zhiyun

Obladi-Oblada -
1st: huishan vania jiayi sungjin
2nd: peiwei pauline xinyi jiaxin
3rd: keyecheng cheryl shuyuin zhiyun

hur, yea yea so go learn your new parts!!
take back score~ know your fingerings, know your notes~ bring home trumpet~

oh yea, want to ask you all for your opinions
ANYONE WANTS TO PLAY FUGUE AS SECTION FOR APPA?? as a special group, whatever you call it

tag your replies, (shun bian make it more alive)

yes yes so it was between BLUE and YELLOW-ORANGE
any suggestions, tag also!

aiya, dun think i dunno, end up you all also wont tag one -.-

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I swear this time i mean it.

guys this is a super nice song i have to tell the world hahaha.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

HII CATS. this is t prove that we are high tech ok. 
ok we have settled that section tee is blue
HAHAHA YAY I WIN LOL/ ok today were were playing game of tempo with J1s and 2s
walao play until damn high damn fun hahaha you all rock yeah